Welcome to the New Zealand Catholic Directory
This is a comprehensive directory of the people and organisations of the Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand.

How to request information changes
Please use the contact form below or contact our office at directory@nzcbc.org.nz and let us know what information you would like changed.
How to become an advertiser
We reach out to Catholic businesses annually to advertise in the printed Catholic directory and these advertisers are also promoted in the online directory. To enquire about advertising, use the contact form below or email us at directory@nzcbc.org.nz.
How to subscribe
In order to subscribe you can sign up on the website or email us at directory@nzcbc.org.nz. We will arrange an invoice and provide log-in access upon payment. The online directory subscription is $22 per year, excluding GST.
Contact us
Use this form to contact us, request information changes, and more.
We will only use the information you provide to respond to your enquiry, and for statistical analysis and reporting.
Postal: PO Box 1937 Wellington 6140 Phone: 04 496 1746